Archive for the ‘ Editing ’ Category

High Definition

HD video is becoming all the rage. Everybody knows that high definition is better, the name even says so, but do you actually know what makes it high def? Or for that matter what is it? Those are the kinds of questions that you will have the basic answers for by the end of this post.

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Standard Definition

Often we hear the words HD and high def, but the ones that we forget is where the came from. It is impossible to have a high definition if there isn’t something to base it from. Such is the way with Standard Definition (SD) video. But what actually makes SD video SD video? That is the topic for today.

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Brief History of Non-Linear Editors

As a special treat, and as a one month birthday treat you get to learn a brief history of non-linear editors. First a non-linear editor is any editor that allows for non-destructive editing, or editing where you don’t manually cut the film and splice it together as you go  through your edits. It is also common nowadays for these to have multiple video and audio tracks. Let’s dive in.

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Color Depth

Today we are going to answer a question that was asked. The questioner asked:

I don’t feel like I fully understand everything about bit depth in video.  I feel like I get what the difference between 8-bit and 16-bit, etc are to a degree.  Like I get that banding doesn’t happen as frequently the higher up you get.  But in AE (After Effects), I see options sometimes for like 8-bit float.  What is float?  And what is an acceptable quality to work with?  What do DSLRs record in?  Or does video even have a bit depth?  Confused, hoping you’ll enlighten me.

Word of caution with this post. It will be a little more in depth since this is a complex topic. Let’s dive in.

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Aspect Ratio

Something so necessary and so full of math. Math can be fun, and at least in this form of math you can always use a calculator, and it is always division.

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Formats in Editing

Editing can be a lot of fun. Some people don’t think so, but I find it to be fun. What does this have to do with anything? Not much, but the topic for today is dealing with video in editing software. Don’t expect me to explain how to edit, at least not now. Today we will discuss rendering and how to avoid doing more rendering then needed.unrendered

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